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Listen to Why Meditate?

the Meditation Minisode on Brain States

Watch the Meditation Training Highlights Presentation

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life Meditation Training: The Mindful Soul Center

The training session includes an overview of meditation's benefits. How meditation changes your brain and can benefit your body. Why a regular meditation practice is a path to more peace and less stress.Why meditation needs to be a necessary part of each and every day. How meditation impacts the brain, body bringing it into balance and reducing stress. Later in the video after the singing bowl is played, we practice meditation for 5 minutes in order to re-energize and restore using the lotus mudra as we open to receive peace. Watch and send your comments and questions to

P.S. You can find free meditations to listen to on our YouTube channel here or on Soundcloud. Scroll down to learn more about our meditation course and/or support the work when you purchase some of our meditations to download and listen to on any device.

Watch the meditation video on why meditation is important on [the] Mindful Soul Center's website. #meditate #learntomeditate #wideawake

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Effortless Meditation

Effortless Meditation an Introductory Meditation Course $129

Opening for enrollment in May 2021

Effortless Meditation Course Cover The Mindful Soul Center

This meditation course will be offered again in May 2021.

21 Days to Effortless Meditation: We take a well-directed path to learn and practice 2 different meditation techniques with 3 different meditations over a three-week period. This course offers support in a group and through group calls and email as well.  Scroll down to learn more.

21 Days to Effortless Meditation
Course dates are from the 1st through the 21st of November and receive the bonus Gratitude course which begins on the 21st of November and concludes the day before Thanksgiving in the USA.
21 Days to Effortless Meditation:
We take a well-directed path to learn and practice 2 different meditation techniques with 3 different meditations over a three-week period.
Rejuvenate, Connect, Relax
Less jargon & lingo, concise information, simple techniques. This isn't a course that you are left to do on your own. Of course, the material is easily accessible for you to read, watch and listen to at any time but there's an essential element here to help you learn and develop a practice. We have a private group and there are live group calls - there is support.
It's what happens in between the meditations that matter. Find and stay in your center, transcend survival mode and respond to stressors with awareness instead of adrenaline. Learn how to maintain balance and move beyond stress when you learn simple meditation techniques that you can easily fit into your busy schedule. Learning meditation and maintaining a regular practice results in better relationships, improved quality of life and a general sense of well being.

Why Meditate
Change Your Brain
Scientific data shows that a meditation practice changes your brain - for the better. In this course you'll learn about the changes that can occur and when they are likely to occur.
Stop Reacting Start Responding
We're human, it happens that we don't always respond to situations with awareness. A regular mediation practice can disrupt the usually negative cycle of reaction.
Develop a Practice
You'll receive MP3 meditation files to download and use on any device that you can listen to and follow on your own schedule.
In this course you will receive support through a private group for members only, as well as q&a support through live sessions each month in the group.
"If you want to learn how to meditate or you want to start doing it again this is the course for you! The course is beautifully constructed and Amy is a wonderful guide. I love her meditations because she has such a calm and soothing voice that allows you to go deeper in your meditation. She is also quick at responding to your questions or anything that might come up during your meditation. Amy knows a lot and she does a great job explaining everything to you in her video's. It helps you to really understand what you are doing and how it can benefit you. This is a beautiful gift to yourself!"
- Klasina L., The Netherlands
"I found this meditation course to be simple to follow and very rewarding self-care. It has helped me to relax and learn different types of meditation so I was able to find what I enjoyed most and make a commitment to it. I highly recommend this course for anyone wanting to learn or expand their meditation skills."
- Helen S., New Jersey, USA

email your request to get on the waiting list here

7 Day Gratitude Challenge Change your mind and change your life with this daily practice. Wake-up to a world of wonder to find the beauty amongst the chaos!
Normally this is offered as a self-guided course (and you could go that route) but this time around we'll have an active group with group zoom calls. Calls will take place at least 3 of the 7 days as Thanksgiving in the US approaches so we can share thoughts and supercharge our gratitude practice.
No excuses.
Sometimes when things aren't going as we had hoped or we are going through some rough times it is easy to focus on what isn't working. Sometimes things are just fine and you still want to express even more gratitude. Whichever state of being you are in at this time, it can help to put things in perspective and remind us that life is beautiful! This challenge requires a minimum of 15 minutes of your time each day, ideally 30 minutes each day for 7 days. We'll focus on the simple things that truly matter.

This course was designed to be always accessible and available to anyone, anytime, anywhere in the world 24/7/365. It includes a series of essays, tasks, worksheets and more:
Daily essays exploring the topic of the day
Printable Gratitude Worksheets (PDFs) for each day.
Audio MP3 of all topic essays, read by me.
You can listen online or download the MP3s to listen to on your preferred device.
Audio MP3 guided visualization
Topic Infographics or Videos
Gratitude Shmatitude: Don't just think it do it! the Book by Amy M Adams

Gratitude Shmatitude! Don't just think it, do it!

Gratitude Course

Over a seven day period we learn that being grateful for something or to someone should never be overwhelming or obligatory. Rather, it is an experiential practice of happiness and connection to nature, people, and ourselves. The course is designed to guide you on a journey toward habitualizing gratitude and making it a conscious daily practice. We explore a different facet of our lives each day.

Gratitude Book

Gratitude Shmatitude: Don't just think it, do it! This practical guide demands that you don’t merely think about gratitude but do it too. Chapters are divided into two parts; think and do. The 'think it' part includes stories and sometimes facts for contemplation and the 'do it' part at the end of each chapter includes actionable steps to take and explore gratitude.

Support the Mindful Soul Center

Thanks for being here! We create free and paid tools and resources to help mindful souls around the world raise their vibration. This website is ad-free even though the cost of doing business online...well it certainly isn't free and we all need to eat and live. Here's how you can support us in our mission to continue to do this work:

Buy our magazine: Mindful Soul Center, available as digital, pdf download and print.

Buy one of our books or magazines in print or as an ebook.

Take one of our workshops or courses and gain a lifelong skill when you learn how to meditate, or about gratitude, the chakras or yoga.

Visit our shop and purchase our private label yoga apparel pants, shorts, t's and tanks - win win for everyone :-)

Click on our recommended product links. They are affiliate links with no-cost to you - another win win situation!

Make a donation.


Effortless Meditation Introductory

November 1st through the 21st


Gratitude Course

November 21st through the27th


Gratitude Shmatitude:

don't just think it, do it!

$12.50 Print/9.99 Kindle

We want to hear from you! What do you need help with on your spiritual journey? What do you want to explore and learn more about?  Contact us with your suggestions and comments.