
Mindful Soul Center Book List

You'll find the best books on this page from a variety of publishers including us :-) to help you make that breakthrough on your yoga, personal development and spiritual journey. The recommended reads section [click here to jump to it] has links to FREE books online as well as affilate links to books on Amazon.

our best BookS, workbooks & planners

Mindful Soul Center books and planners - a garden planner, introduction to yoga, gratitude shmatitude and the seven chakras workbook

A Garden Planner: Dream it, build it, watch it grow! & A Garden Guide

Series: Don't just think it, do yoga! Introduction to Yoga No. 1 Book and Planner Combo

Gratitude Shmatitude: Don't just think it, do it!

Series: Don't just think it, do yoga! Introduction to Yoga, Book One

The Seven Chakras Workbook: Connecting to your body, mind and soul!

Don't just think it, do yoga!

Introduction to yoga book no. 1 and 13 week planner combo

A handy guide full colour (interior) illustrated book and 13 week planner to inspire you to practice and to learn about yoga too! In volume one we you'll be introduced to a variety of yoga terms and poses to help you get started on your yoga journey. Weekly planner pages are linked with a topic. Check out the contents then grab your copy for only $22USD in-print only - 153 pages

Introduction to Yoga Book No. One and Planner combo from the Don't just think it, do yoga series CONTENTS listing
The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go. – Dr. Seuss

Don't just think it, do yoga!

Introduction to yoga book no. 1 BOOK ONLY version

A handy guide to guide you on the yogic path. Designed to inspire you to practice and to learn about yoga without overwhelming you! In volume one we you'll be introduced to a variety of yoga terms, philosophy and concepts and a few poses to help you get started on your yoga journey. Check out the contents-> then grab your 108 page copy for only $14.95 in print, $12.95 as a digital ebook.

full colour print edition $14.95

full colour digital edition  $12.95

Don't just think it, do yoga book number one's contents from Introduction to Yoga by Amy Adams

Introduction to Yoga Book ONLY

13 Chapters

If you ever wanted to know about the different styles and paths of yoga and get introduced to all the fundamental concepts in yoga, this book is for you.

Introduction to Yoga Book & Planner Combo

13 Weeks

This is the book divided up with planning pages to help you maintain a yoga practice and keep yourself organised too!

Introduction to Yoga Book ONLY

13 Chapters

If you ever wanted to know about the different styles and paths of yoga and get introduced to all the fundamental concepts in yoga, this book is for you.

Introduction to Yoga Book & Planner Combo

13 Weeks

This is the book divided up with planning pages to help you maintain a yoga practice and keep yourself organised too!

recommended reads [currently being updated]

The recommended reads section has links to FREE books online as well as affilate links to Amazon. There is no cost to you when you choose to use an affiliate link. In fact, you help keep costs down and and allow us to avoide accepting advertisements.

The Artist's Way

A friend gave me the hardcover edition of this book and I really enjoyed it. I followed it and did quite a bit of it. She received it from a friend and when I was done with it, I passed it on to a friend.

The Sense of Beauty

This book changed my life and the way I think. Santayana was a philosopher who delivered these lectures at Harvard College many years ago. You can also read this for free online here.

The Power of Myth

This is the paperback book. There is also a multi-part documentary series where Bill Moyers interviews Joseph Campbell. A must see.

The Power of Now

Back in the day I sold this in my boutique and listened to it often. Eckhart Tolle and his shared wisdom really helps us to understand that there really is only now.

The Yoga Sutras

You can get this book with guidance. If you are unable to afford the book at this time you can get a different version free online here. The free version is an interpretation by Charles Johnston

Shankara's Crest Jewel of Discrimination

A book translated by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood this book is all about non-duality a philosophy that is advaita (non-dualism)

The Bhagavad-Gita As it is

My first copy was a hardcover edition that I received as a young girl. It was too dense for me at the time but during my undergrad studies it was required reading in my cross cultural perspectives course. Later I've gone deeper with it. Highly recommend. If you want the free version to read online click here or the free audio version here.

Living with Joy

Living with joy, it's something we all aspire to. It's achievable too. This book has been a mainstay and one book that I've given to many people throughout the years when they were struggling. Very helpful when dealing with difficult circumstances.

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