Science Spirit and Woo

The Mindful Soul Center Podcast (formerly Conscious Life Space’s Conversations)

Minisode No. 5: Science Spirit and Woo

Science and Woo they go together like shamalang-a-dingity-dong together forever…well I was singing that in my head as I wrote this but the truth is there is this thing about science separating itself from spirituality – I touch briefly on that in this mostly science rant. I’m pro science but tired of some scientists seemingly denying that there are a lot of different limitations and knowledge that gets poopooed because there are things we cannot explain – yet.

In this minisode of Conscious Life Spaces Conversations podcast, I speak briefly about spirituality and woo being in congruence with the miracle we call science, probably the focus more is on the conflicts and limitations we experience with science and alternative healing modalities…have a listen and let me know what you think.

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Videos and Links mentioned in this podcast:

The secret to scientific discoveries

Time lapse ferns and flowers

You get 30 minutes of listening pleasure too!

A radical rethink

The brain: a radical rethink is needed to understand it by Henrik Jörntell

iatrogenic study –

Art & Music

Podcast Art for this episode is by 【中文ID】愚木混株 【ins-ID】cdd20

Music in this episode includes:

God Fury by Anno Dominii Beats
Birds by Silent Partner
Cast of Pods by Doug Maxwell

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