Gratitude and Light an interview with Hillis Pugh

Guest: Hillis Pugh, author of Awaken With Gratitude

The Mindful Soul Center Podcast Interview with Hillis Pugh author of Awaken With Gratitude. Hillis is a Lemurian Lightworker, Reiki Master, Psychic Medium and Soul Facilitator. This was an incredible interview. Hillis Pugh is a lightworker bringing his words and poems to the world; he is the author of Awaken to Gratitude, a poet, psychic medium and Reiki master and Lemurian lightworker. From hanging out in the space of hope to the law of reciprocity, our conversation ran the gamut with webs of joy and so much more. In part one we focus on gratitude and in part two we learn more about energy work and overcoming trauma. Join me for this informative episode.

Gratitude and Light, an interview with Hillis Pugh

mindful soul center podcast interview with author hillis pugh

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Awaken With Gratitude

Hillis Recommends

Michael Beckwith
Gregg Braden
Abraham Hicks

Music in this episode includes:

Birds by Silent Partner
Cast of Pods by Doug Maxwell


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Interview Transcript

Note: This transcript may have some minor errors.
Welcome to the mindful soul center podcast. My name is Amy Adams, and I’m your host and guide on this journey today.

Go through all these varying emotions. It’s hot, but it’s you, it’s building these emotions that get you to the next level by hanging out in this neutral, because helps those better than frustration. Anger. When you have the energy net is feel the anger, the passion, it helps to move in this yellow space. You see what it is that you wish to.

In today’s episode, I interview Hillis Pew, author of awaken with gratitude. He is a soul mentor, energy facilitator, a Lemurian Lightworker and Reiki master. He is also a psychic medium. I’m so glad to welcome him today. In part one, we’ll discuss gratitude more intimately. And then in part two, we discuss energy work, his work as a sole mentor and energy facilitator.

Before we get started, I have some news and updates. So I wanted to let you know a few things. If you don’t know that mindful soul center magazine is out. Our September, October issue is the most current one, and our next issue comes out on November 1st. And that is for November and December. We have moved to a new platform. So it’s easier to read on your phone, which was kind of challenging with the other platform, but I’m really excited about it. We may have a few links that might not work. You know, we’re still working on updating the magazines, went through the transition because there’s five issues that have been moved over. If you have any issues with the issues, ha feel free to email me. You can send an email to hello at the mindful soul center, or you can simply record a message.

When you go to our website, there is a voice mail recording button. I’d really love to hear from you. Now, if you like this podcast, please leave a review on Apple podcasts. And the reason being, of course, we want you to follow and listen all the time because we have a great guest and interesting and valuable information, but the algorithms, however, they work reviews mean something. So in order for other people to even be able to find this podcast, it’s important that people leave reviews. So please leave a review and I thank you. Now let’s get started. I want to just welcome you. Thank you for joining me today.

Thank you for having me. It’s a great pleasure to be here with you online.

Yeah, I mean, I love technology because we get to have all these amazing conversations from, you know, we can really get people to communicate, which we didn’t have. I mean, it was just so much slower in the past

Telephone ladders, you know, signals.

I miss letters. So I have to say, I actually just wrote something today where I was encouraging people to write letters sometimes because I think everyone, every once in awhile likes the old fashioned letter in the mail.

It’s interesting that you bring that up because I recently reconnected with my step father who used to write me letters and was an amazing artist. He can draw like all my favorite cartoon characters growing up as a kid, he had amazing calligraphy. So just to see that word lost or transition into something else is it’s mind blowing sometimes.

Yeah. So alright. So now I think I know that I read one of your books, but I think you have a few books, right? So

I do have the one and then I have a previously to that. I have my bullshit butts, which can be found on my website, but the baby is my, the one that’s out now.

And that is awakening with gratitude, gratitude. Oh, wait, Oh, sorry. Awaken with gratitude. I asked Hillis to tell us a little bit about how he was inspired to share the message of gratitude with the world.

My inspiration for this book awaken with gratitude began back in 2008 when the recession of the States and the U S was coming to a head and for most small business owners, because at that time I had my own small business marketing and graphic design company where I catered to small businesses. And in that respect, small businesses were the first ones to be hit by the recession here in the States. And when the recession hit people, consider the marketing and branding and advertising and graphic design and things like that, a business luxury, not a need. And so that conscious shift, it made in my business. So my clients was like, Oh, I can’t afford this. Or I can’t afford that anymore because of, you know, they had to pay the bills and I wasn’t a necessity. No. So with the ongoing of that trend, it really had to really makes, I had to really evaluate what it is that I had to do as a business owner and literally had to take stock in what’s important to me.

What do I value when that came into play? I had to recognize what am I needs? What am I necessities? How am I going to get by? Because that was how it was getting by, you know, where’s my class, what’s the day to day. And so my thought process had to shift and one being one person, you know, one being the only child, you know, and two being kind of a catered to, as I was growing up, it really didn’t sink in, you know, living on my own, making everything pay the bills easily. No worries, no concerns, nothing yet. There was still a sense of pride in what I did and what I have accomplished. So for me to ask my family and friends for financial help, it was really challenging for me to do so, but yet at the same time, it allowed me to step into a new place of courage and confidence to ask for this financial help.

So when I received the financial help, and even at times I would go over to my family’s house and I will visit him. My will look at me, you know, the look that a mother or family member gives this, you know, I know you need something. Why don’t you just say it? Or my, I was just like here, she was just giving me a, you know, a couple of hundred dollars since I can’t go take care of whatever you need to take care of it. And through that, and really helped me to find my voice into asking for what it is that I want to fund my family. And it wasn’t until Thanksgiving of 2008, where it really solidified for me that I had a lot to be thankful for that year. And I took for granted that one particular holiday, where I will go to the family’s house the night before Thanksgiving help prepare the meal for the next day. And in the moment where we give thanks. It was Lily hit home that, you know, if it wasn’t for my friends, my family who supported me both financially and lovingly, that it was probably wouldn’t have made it in that year for me to help get me on my feet. So that was the catalyst. That was the inspiration for me, shamming, the little moments that are expressed in the book, I wake up with gratitude that we find ourselves taking for granted most of the time.

Yeah. I know sometimes. Yeah. We don’t even realize how good it is sometimes until it’s not. So, and actually that’s the challenging time too, when we sometimes that’s really when we probably need gratitude the most, but it’s really hard to do it unless we create that habit. So that was a lesson that I had to learn myself as well, which was really a challenge at times. You know, it was really great that you were able to learn how to receive also, because this is like a part of gratitude. I think that a lot of people don’t think about learning to receive is really, it’s like, you have to learn how to do it, but like, there’s just something that my grandmother used to say all the time too. And I really liked this because sometimes it was hard for me to, she said, when somebody gives you something, just say, thank you really simple. And then that was it just simple, simple, simple. And so I always try to remember that because sometimes I would get uncomfortable, like even receiving something, even though I might’ve needed it.

Yeah. Even if it’s something as small as a compliment and you know, just simply say, thank you. And, and that’s how it starts is for our ability to receive at whatever capacity, because being someone who’s asleep currently gives, finds it more challenging. It’s like, I’m not worthy to receive. I can’t really see, it’s not enemy to receive whatever it is we have asked for. And this is how the law of attraction comes into play with this as well. Because when we think of balancing the scales, you know, we give and where we see, you know, if one outweighs the other, then you have to find a counter balance, a counterweight to allow for that to come in. And so that’s when we allow ourselves to receive, or in other times the reciprocity, the exchange of energy, because, and the reason why I bring that up, particularly because in the Andean culture, there is a term that means gratitude.

There’s a term. That means reciprocity is a term that is one with the universe. And that time is called Ani anyway. And I it’s a old Cashua was the believer dating back to the 13th, 14th century, maybe even before then to where this culture already have that ingrained in their, in their everyday lives. And it’s beautiful to see L and to feel it, to understand that, that energy, this exchange. So once you offer you a bang to actually offer your parents, once you offered this energy more, it comes back to you. But the question is, are you able to really receive and see it?

There’s something that happens too though, because this, this is kind of like the little tricky mind game that we can get into sometimes when we are, I mean, so you hear this kind of role or law that when you give that you receive back even more, but then there is a part of us are kind of maybe our shadow inside, even who is, we want to give without expectations, right. To be kind of pure in our giving, but our egos or our shadow can even get a little tripped up with that because you know, we might even not consciously, or even like consciously, it might even come into our mind. Oh, well, you know, if I do this, I’m going to get something it’s like that whole I don’t know. Maybe you could speak about that a little bit because I know you talk about your book.

Yeah. Yeah. I do touch on that in the book as well about the ability to come into the awareness, the consciousness of receiving, and yes, you know what? We have this belief and most of us know where most of the religious teachings speak about. If you give them way, you will see your backup threefold, but that’s only, if you firmly believe in that you can’t give or unconsciously give and expect to receive back, please fault if we don’t believe it. So that’s, that’s the missing piece for most people is the fact that they don’t believe in what they receive or believe what they put out there. They want to get back. It’s just know, for example, there have been many times where I’ve given money to homeless people on the street, and there’ve been times like, I’ll hope that I’ll go by Lego, but I hope they don’t go buy drugs, but I hope they don’t do this.

And so it’s not my business, but they deal with what I give my businesses, what I give and my business is what I see. So when I have received money or ideas or opportunities, because I have given up myself freely is because I believe that I was going to get something back. And so that’s the key component is having belief. But yet when you give is to release the attachment of the idea of what’s going to happen when you give, it’s not up to you, what’s going to happen to you or to the individual or to anyone else who is the recipient of the gift. It only matters that you believe enough in what you give to receive back where you have given.

Yeah. You also talk about like our identity in your book as well. And I guess that kind of ties in because if we have, we kind of beliefs about ourself and, and who we are in the world, and sometimes those beliefs don’t even come from us. They come from other people and then we believe them because maybe we’re we get attached to that, which is a whole other thing. But I think when we kind of get caught up in that idea of like who we are, who we’re supposed to be, what we’re supposed to do, and, and it can get confusing for our whole personality to be kind of mixed up in this stuff. And so sometimes we do things that we’re not even really being like true to ourselves. And so maybe we’re even giving somebody something without because we think we’re supposed to something like that. Yeah. Instead of out of just like your heart saying, okay, I’m going to do this for this person or, you know, anonymously or even not anonymously. But anyway, I don’t know if I’m making any sense, but

Boils down to Amy is that when we give out of obligation, meaning that someone did us a favor and they put an expectation on it, they expected us to turn on the favor. They expected us to fulfill our end of the bargain. They have all these different levels of expectation put on us. However, when we put our expectation on another person, in essence, we are not in alignment. We are not in the flow of the genuine gift that will come. It is how do you say this expectation of you going to do this for me? Because I did that for you. And it’s very ego driven, very not, I can’t think of the word, but it it’s, it’s that energy that, you know, you feel with, it could be at a, you know, a little over biting frequency of when you set the expectations.

Like I did this for you, and I expect this to happen for me because I went out on a limb it’s like that desperate energy and desperate expectation that we put on another. And then if we go through our whole life caring, even just that one piece, more of a Bill’s on. So it skews our definition of who we are. So there is lack of clarity and our physical being, and our physical presence is now a physical identity. And I was feeling and energetic space, like, who am I, am I a one who just reacts to everything? Am I a one who just steps into this whole space of, okay, I’m just going to give what I can give and, and just be okay with that. Because, you know, if I don’t give, someone’s going to be mad at me, someone’s going to hate me, someone else, not going to love me for being me, not being able to live up to this person’s expectations. When in fact you are laying their own expertise.

Yeah. I don’t even know how we got to that place. Like with, as like where, when we’re born, we don’t really have all of these like ideas, you know? And they were, I guess we’re just bombarded with like so much from television and from our families and from culture and that we get, so [inaudible] yeah, it does. But we watch all the drama. Cause sometimes I don’t know, maybe it’s because I’m getting older, but as I watched some of the drama as I’m getting older, I think, wow, I can’t even believe that people worry about some of this stuff.

Yes, exactly. It goes back to the emoji of the law, the law of attraction, and goes back to that space of creating contrast and which in that time of my life that I spoke of earlier, there’s a lot of contrast. And if we don’t have that level of contrast and the putting people, giving them expectations and all this other law of a budding low off putting intervene, what else could we stop there to have expressed gratitude for it? Hopefully don’t have the contrast and energy to feed the thoughts, to feed our desires, to put us in a space of, I know what I want now. I know what I’m focused on. Now. I know what I have to do to deliver, to create what it is that I would choose to create. Now this place by experiencing the college, got some of what I don’t want.

Okay. But is, is there a place so that you can get to where in like a kind of higher vibration where you’re kind of just creating a, without having to create like a big contrast to have gratitude where you’re just keep kind of like expanding and through creativity without having to have drama,

There’s talk about it sometimes. And the seminars that teach and I call it hanging out in hope and we call it hanging out and hope because we hope for something better, but we also don’t want anything worse. So we’ll be hanging out at home. We’re hanging out there wanting better and wanting more and wanting our desire to take off. I want to know dreams to be fulfilled. And yet at the same time, we step into a place of, okay, I get what’s wrong here. I get what’s happening here. I just say why I’m frustrated. I don’t like to feel frustrated and make him angry and I get upset. And then you go through all these varying emotions for Mo it’s hot, but it’s you, it’s building these emotions that get you to the next level to create what it is that you want by hanging out in this neutral place of hope, because hope feels better than frustration. Hope feels better than anger. But when you have the energy net is fueled by the anger, the passion, it helps to move that energy into a space. So you can see what it is that you wish to create next.

Especially, I guess if you’re stuck, if you’re feeling stuck, which a lot of times, I think because we’re bombarded with stuff, a lot of people feel stuck because they feel like, well, I want to do this, but you know, it’s not so easy sometimes to change your life even, or to fulfill, you know, because we do have the expectations from outside of us. Like parents expectations of even like some people I know. I mean, it’s probably, I don’t know if it’s so bad for everyone, but I mean, there are people who kind of grew up where they’re expected to be because their dad or their mom was in a certain occupation or in a certain field they’re supposed to kind of go in that field or that kind of thing too. Yeah.

Yes. That family and trauma, that family dynamic that we step into, this is what I did. And this is what your brother did. This is what your grandfather did. You have to do it too. So transposing that energy on to another.

Yeah. So how do you think that people could kind of rise above that though, like, and really be true to themselves?

Yes, Amy, the best way for people to really step into a space, to rise above the law of high planning energy or the neutral space of hanging out in hope is to really step into the emotion, really step into the energy of what it is that you are feeling. Because when you step into this space of hope and love, and when you start to send it to the higher levels of joy and creation, you just moving the energy. And that’s what it’s all about with gratitude. When you express gratitude, you’re just simply moving the energy, moving the energy to step into a better fell in place. And so for example, one of the best practices that I offer is when you are not feeling your best or in the best place is to start off in the morning where it’s what I like to call the thank you ma’am page and what this is is to you can do it anytime, anywhere, but personally I do it in the morning because it helps me to get my day going.

Cause I just give to give thanks for what I have in that day. But I, for example, it’s like a thank you for this water. And I’m taking a shower with, thank you for this soap, for this toothpaste toothbrush before, you know, the breath of life. I mean, it starts to just, as you go for, to focus in on the physical things in your space, you begin to expand it to the nonphysical, into the energy of what is, I mean, you say thank you for the sun. Thank you for the energy that has created me. Thank you for the space. So we need to be intimate space. It becomes almost second nature to express gratitude.

Yeah. I know. I think that’s actually a great goal for people to have because we are kind of goal oriented and then, you know, for people to like, I mean, it’s, it’s such a simple thing to do, but it’s so easy to forget about even too. So I, I, it’s a good thing in the morning to have that as a practice too. And then like, they, you starting with like the very simple things, because sometimes when you’re feeling like really badly, it’s really hard to find something. Even if it’s, you know, even if it’s right in front of you, you don’t even see it

Exactly. Especially in getting over this code is it’s like, thank you for the medicine that I had to help rejuvenate me. Thank you for the moments that I had to rest though. I can recover. Thank you for the moment that I have to really allow myself to be present, to sit with this space and this energy to be well. And I appreciate the feeling of being well. I appreciate the feeling of being 100% me. I appreciate the feeling that I have on this body when I am well. So when you, you step into that space, you create this energy and just with the law of attraction, the energy that you put out there, it has no choice, but to you and then come back to you because it’s like, I want to be where I am. Well, I am. So do you notice? It’s like, okay, well he’s, well, he’s not sick anymore or let’s give him an a JTB well,

Right, right. No, but I was just thinking, because I think no one when you’re sick or at least when I’m sick or I think time, you know, like this whole idea of time of like the, our concept of time, we feel like when we’re sick, that time is very long and extended. And you know, when sometimes when we’re feeling really good, it seems like it’s going too fast.

It’s so funny that you talk about that. Cause I do talk about it in the book as well about time. And it’s interesting when I’m, when I’m usually get some sort of flow code or what have you, for me on Julie, usually the last two to four days max, that’s it. And then I’m like 100%, but it’s interesting this time because it was, I believe it was over the weekend and I just left the whole day as like, how beautiful is it for me just to lay in bed? And how often do I have the opportunity to just to lay in this bed in the, how often is it, do I get to enjoy the month of these covers and the other love of those around me? And it’s just, it was a beautiful experience to just lay there and do nothing.

You are grateful then do you have like a favorite gratitude quote or, or a favorites? I dunno some, either a quote or a book or a person or something that you want to share with the audience about gratitude and the law of attraction.

You know, honestly, I don’t have a favorite quote, but I do follow Abraham Hicks. I followed Marianne Williamson and I follow dr. Michael Beckwith. I’ve followed Neale, Donald Walsch. I follow a great Breton. You know, all of those people when I started my path back in 2008, and when I went on a book shopping spree occasion that I went, I was at borders maybe twice a month. At one time, even walked out with 10 books. I’m like, why am I walking in with all these books? And I, and those people really resonated with me. They really stuck with me. They really helped me to see the path that I’m on much clearer than than anything else, because it is in that space that I truly am connected to, to help God they have guided me. So I am appreciative of that space that they have created. And for me to follow, right,

A lot of times they’re even telling us the same thing, but we need to hear it in different ways until I can really seep into our being so that we can, can even then get it and then help other people. So, and what sets apart in his messaging is something very special. One of the things I noticed in your book, which I really liked, which was very different because a lot of books like even from all of the people that you mentioned, they don’t do something that you do. You use poetry to come give your message. Not, not through the entire book is not a book of poems. There are homes in it, and I will include one of them in the show notes too. So you can have an idea of what it is for the listeners. You want to take a peak. So why do you use poetry to kind of teach the ideas of gratitude?

Well, Amy poetry is my first love. It has always been my first. I’m always, you know, back when I was a teenager and for me, it was an outlet to express unsanded emotions or to cultivate feelings for, or to another individual. And it was just the best way to connect. And when I started writing the book, it really helped me to understand because we’re, you know, most people are right brain dominant or is it left? I was able to mixed up. And so the reason I wrote the book, it was with the intent to incorporate the poetry. So you have both a left and like buy in what the together to really fully understand and incorporate the message of batter to, because some people are more analytical mind. So they read the, the, maybe the entry it’s like, Oh, I get that. I understand that. And then you have other people who are more creative and more abstract thinking and they read the pauses. That’s so beautifully said, I get the message of where he’s going with this. And so then those who are in the left way, way down, or they read everything maybe together, they can receive the whole message in its entirety. And not just half of it, just not one piece of it.

That’s beautiful. I asked Hillis to read us one of his poems. He obliged us with remedy,

Creating a cure through a network of like minds or anything strange in the weak, weary and humble sitting mines of the new passing energy of faith and vigilant intent growing stronger than the strongest and better than the best, no, the cause of a loot problem or situation. My, of fragmentation through this assault as born the resolution soon to dilute the pieces of knowledge we gain and claim what is right and lost. As we breathe the air to sacrifice the natural flow, to just sum up whose life taking shelter in the arms of grace, finding comfort, finding ancestors, humanity, we evolve into a new sanity, the memory to self being. Who are you? What are you built for the memory of solutions that self searching poach hi, to all eyes can view to relevant who has a clue. Once again, many problems caused by then go back and cover up and clean up the mistakes. Only one solution, all of the hope, follow the path and given, and the will be solved together to live life, to lose life and each other God, one memory, one solution.

Thank you for sharing that with everyone.

Oh no, you’re welcome. It is always a great honor to, to express the words that have been written. The words that are always have come through for me to really step into a new space, to express the thoughts, the energy with a connected to all there is.

So something else that you say is that you consider that life is a transition versus a journey. What do you mean by

So life as a, instead of a journey? So when we choose to incarnate him on this planet, it’s a choice. It’s a choice to live this human experience, to evolve to a greater sense of stuff where the way so when we in cognitive physical form, everything that we have learned in contrast and our desires, they all culminate to the experience of self evolution, self actualization of who we are. So that’s the transitional piece of the choice to evolve a form of energy to physical form back into now physical tissue, the experience of with the collective consciousness. And when we say the word journey journey has more of a linear meaning, more of a linear construct, as opposed to, as opposed to transition, which is a cycle, which is, you know, we, the only piece that is not a part of this continuous cycle is the mama.

We are born from create a source energy that moment there in the self connect with Pete. However, once we incarnated into the energy, we go through the process of going up into energy and we then make the choice to evolve or to transition, to come into physical form, to experience this physical life. Whether, if it’s on this planet or another planet or whatever the soul decides to choose, then we go into that space, time, energy to have an experience to evolve into back into now, physical, to share the expense and then go back and do the whole thing all over again.

No, we’re just going to take a short break before we move into part two of the interview with Hillis, that seemed like a good place to kind of transition into the topic of webs of joy, energy work and healing.

The mindful soul center podcast was created for the mindful souls who are any personal evolutionary journey that explores a variety of topics, including health and wellness, yoga, healing, art, journaling, self-esteem, personal development, energy healing, social justice issues, and more search. The mindful soul center. Their goal is to offer you the tools and resources you can use. So if you want to vibrate higher, engage in discussion, be inspired, read, and listen, and share stories about life honors and get the support and help you need to support you in your personal evolution. Then go check out the mindful soul center podcast, many episodes up for you to listen to already and make you subscribe to be notified of future releases. That’s the mindful soul center podcast go listen, download and subscribe today. You can also connect on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest at the mindful soul center and follow on Twitter at mindful soul CTR.

You use some really great there’s some interesting language that you use. Actually, you’re talking about like energy work and everything, which is, you know, a lot of people know about energy work. And if any of our listeners don’t know about energy work you can check out my website and you can also check out Hillis’s website because there’ll be lots of information on both of them. And I’ll put that in the show notes. I mean, basically our bodies are made of energy. It’s kind of our essence. There’s all kinds of things that affect it. And so it’s LightWave and chakras and sound forms of vibrations. But I loved was some and I don’t, I’m not even sure in what context, cause I just wrote this down. I just thought it was amazing webs of joy. I want to know about webs of joy. Let’s start with joy.

Well, the joy is, you know, sometimes I write so many things. I forget things that I write about and stuff that just brings joy to me. Just even speaking it and hearing that term, I should use that more often. And so webs a joy as it is defined is, you know, how a spider makes their web, you know, it starts off in a center, but then just ripples out. So there’s no really one defined point. There’s no one defined moment. Everything of the webbing that makes the web is all connected by different points. And so the web of joy is this giant web and you have all these, intersite rubbing these thick lines, these pieces that connects one joy to another domain. You speak of it in the law of vibration where the law of attraction comes out of is that when you have one moment of joy, the other moment of joy is not falling behind.

Simply saying that, you know, as I talked about in the outline is when we have what I call the thank you man page, it’s also assets creating that web of joy because he started off, you know, one point, thank you for waking me up this morning, for me being able to breathe like this. So you start off with, at one point, it just creates more and more and more and more and more and more and more points to express appreciation for for that day. And so you carry that with you and it just goes and gets bigger and then it gets big Goodman, more points and more points as this giant bubble of joy that you create.

I really liked that a lot. I was like, and then was actually something though that I didn’t understand. And it was because I know like, cause I there’s, I mean, a lot of times when somebody goes to we’ll get a little bit more into like details of what you do, but like when somebody goes to have like an energy healing there’s like sound healing. And then so people might be a little more familiar with that because there’s like singing bowls or even kind of mantras or even music. I mean, any kinds of like sound can have a very positive impact on people and it can also have a negative impact on them as well, depending on what they’re listening to. I mean even like, unfortunately some governments even use it as methods of torture. They know, you know, what frequencies and stuff are bad, but I think one of the things that’s kind of interesting about that to those, because I know I’m going to go on my own little rampage here for a second, but, but it’s with like sound and color, like in light, they are on various spectrums.

And then because we’re human beings in a physical body, we are not able to see them a lot. We can only see a very limited view of things and it’s insane. And we can also only hear a limited amount of sounds. And we, we know this through science and also because you can even look at other species, like a dog has an incredible ability to hear sounds at great distances and they can hear things that we just can’t because they have different structures of their ears and all that kind of stuff. So I think like this, you know, so some people might be kind of a little more familiar with that kind of idea, but then you had also mentioned something called like in Frere band and I wasn’t really sure about what that was. Oh, infrared. I thought it was in prayer, but okay. And for red it’s me, my reading skills and for red and infrared bands. Okay. Can you tell us a little bit about that?

Yeah. So what else is, is an unseen energy like most other industries, but can be, felt more than anything presently right now with the present shifts that are happening on the planet. It is a very cleansing energy. So for me it is, let’s say if you have the best way to describe it is if you have an electric stuff and if you have an electric stove, the most of the energy that comes off of it is infrared because it conducts heat. And so it’s the energy that is felt is the energy that is to help purify the physical announced physical space. It depends on how it’s being used for that purpose.

Huh. Okay. So alright. And then, well actually, so maybe you could tell us a little bit, because I know that from what I learned about your other healing types of things, I really liked that you also think about archive. You know, when people come to deal with trauma or different issues or problems like you’re really interested in helping them come to terms with themselves and be accepting of themselves and have self love. And I like that, you’re you refer to it as and yourself as a nourisher, you’re like nourishing people versus like you’re not just putting like a bandaid on them.

And I use that term purposely. Cause if my title that I have given myself a sole mentor, a sole mentor and energy facilitator means is the reason why I stay away from the term Kayla or healing implies that we are poking and that we need to be fixed. That’s like if you go on out to have your car repaired or any other mode of transportation or anything that is broken around your home, you have to fix it. Right. So, and that’s not to say, I need a healer. Someone come here on me implies that your pocket and you need to be sick. And in actuality, in essence, no one has ever been broken. No one needs to be fixed. They all just need the proper nourishment for the physical, not physical body. So when we step into this phase, no shame because I am an energy facilitator and I explain it to people that I am not the one who’s actually allowing the body to be nourished.

It is you, the person who was asked for this, it was just me as I connect the Bush to your soul, to your guys, to a mother who is here to assist you in a physical form and live your energy to provide you with what you have asked for, to lift, to move, to allow for new energy, to flow into the physical space. And so the term Nosha really applies for the energy that I allow myself to bring and blue to assist you to notice and to allow the trauma or the shame, the pain, the guilt, the anger, the fear of being with you, but hopefully everything that people have been holding on to for so many years allows that energy and that space to be totally clear and clear.

Yeah. I like the facilitator too, because I actually struggled with something that I do. I teach them meditation and I don’t like the word teacher because I had a lot of ideas about what a teacher is. And I think like being a facilitator, you’re helping somebody along on the path and, and sharing what you know, with them and then allowing them to create their own practice. It’s not you’re not like a, the, you know, be all and end all present. I think that that’s where a lot of times, sometimes people who are teachers, sometimes people give their power away to their teachers, you know? So I really love facilitator. And for me personally, I think that really is a beautiful way to because it takes the whole thing out of it. Cause that’s really, you’re just helping somebody. It doesn’t mean that you’re like the, you know, the guru or whatever I met and that, that a guru is a bad word or anything. But I just, I think when people tend to, they can give their power to someone else because they feel overburdened or something. So

Yeah. Yes. Well, it’s interesting because when people, clients come to me asking to be healed and use that word, I explained to them what it is that I do. And when you create that space, that, and lead define the mindset, it really allows for greater ease and allowing the energy that comes into do what you have asked for what to do.

Yeah. And I also, I’m, I’m in agreement with you on the, you are not broken thing because I can, you know, all right, you break your leg maybe, and then you get a cast, but generally our, our personalities are being missed is not broken. We’re just, but we are in the moment and we’re evolving and changing. So

Exactly. And one of my quotes actually, but that just actually not one of my favorites, but it’s one of my most recent quotes that I’m learning to appreciate more and more everyday. Cause it’s given me a new perspective on awareness of self and myself. And that quote is we are where we are because of where we are.

That’s a good one to think about everyone. Think about that. I’ll put that one in the show notes too. So you don’t, so you can refer back to it. We are where we are because of where we are. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I think that’s a tricky one because a lot of people, including myself, I mean, not always like, luckily I sometimes I’m able to overcome this, but you know, the acceptance of where we’re at is really tough sometimes depending on circumstances something that I heard somebody say recently, and I, unfortunately, I can’t remember his name right now. But he was talking about beliefs and he was saying that that our beliefs are our beliefs and that that then there is something else. That’s the truth. Sometimes there’s the truth and they’re two separate things and what our beliefs are and what the truth is. So I liked that he kind of differentiated between the two of them because we then sometimes think that our beliefs are the truth and that’s not really the case all the time.

Yes, exactly. This, to put it into context, to put that in what you just said, it’s a great context. I love as far as the great contrast that we have seen you in the States and it is the president, you know, he believes that he believes that no one can tell him different because he’s the president. He believes he has an ultimate power and do whatever he did along this, all of this bravado, all of this ego energy behind him motivates him and drives him into his own belief system. And I could say the same for anyone who has a fairly strong belief system. They believe what they believe because they believe it. He could put that one in the show notes too. They believe what they believe. They believe it. They believe that they believe because they believe it and there is no way to possibly change their mind. However, you know, if you have a, you know, watching the other news blog cast, you see and truth, and it’s like, okay, this is what Donald Trump said, this is what he tweeted. This is, you know, fact check and this, this, and this and this. And they go over here. It’s like, this is what that actually is. This is the actual truth is what it actually mean. Right. And so you have to have be your own internal fact checker.

Yeah. I, you know, I actually think that if it gets kind of confusing because I think he kind of like brought it to the forefront, I think for people to really be conscious of this kind of like a fake news kind of stuff. But I, I found for my own self that I’m even things that I know are true that are really like scientific facts. Even sometimes I’m like rechecking them because I’m worried that I’m going to misstate something because you know, there’s this kind of like in city is a doubt in my mind now to like, do, be extra diligent, to check my facts because you know, we’re, there’s all these kinds of different things that get posted and they’re not true.

Yes. Right. Right. Yeah. So you, you ended up being your own source in terms of what you believe. And when I work with my clients, yeah. I’ll go through a process with them to be sure that you understand how this works. You understand that you always possible, and that you understand that no matter what this is, you doing, you allowing the energy. Now I realize that that space of understanding there’s a greater share of responsibility, a greater shift, they’ll them taking their power back. For example, there was a client of mine who has seen many people as most of us often, do we go looking for people’s? Can you help me with this problem? Can you help me with this problem? I need help with this problem. I don’t know what else to do. And so you get all frantic and overwhelmed because you, most people feel lost so much.

And to me, and she was like, Hillis, I don’t know what else to do. I have this fear. And it is just a ruling my life. And I don’t know how to get past this. And I’ve seen some of the other people and they can’t seem to help me. And I want to know if you can help me. And I’m like, yeah, I’ll give it a shot. I don’t, I’m not sure it’s like what I’m working with or what it is you want me to do. I see you, I feel, I know that you already don’t. And so in the session that we conducted, I took her back to her childhood and there was a moment in her childhood that lasted no more than five minutes, five minutes, literally the entire rest of her life. And so we worked together to eliminate that fear, that trauma, that hell was established in those five minutes.

Yeah. That’s amazing too, that like something so simple can have a profound effect on us. And then we forget about it because we can all dream. I mean, I mean, obviously we not really forget about it cause it’s our subconscious mind, but we don’t realize that that’s the thing that’s ruling us that we’re, you know, coming back to that and then something else that was kind of interesting too, that I had heard recently by a guy, Peter Levine, he’s a kind of famous psychologist from California that’s so I don’t really know all the details about him, but he was talking about you can’t be traumatized and curious at the same time.

No. So that makes perfect sense.

Yeah. And it was like, because basically we’re like defensive a lot of times. And then when he was saying that this is when it puts it in our less in our kind of like fight or flight mode, you know, and then were brought right back to like some kind of thing like that our parents told us or that we believed from, you know, when we’re little or something sometimes just like when somebody, you know, like a triggering thing, but I just thought it was just such a good kind of a great way to like, think about, like, to remember that we do have these kinds of beliefs that are, that are not even up in our conscious mind, if they weren’t our conscious mind, we’d get rid of them profitably.

And I just wanted to just clarify one thing, because I know that before you talked about conscious and subconscious and through the years of me riding and through the years of working with clients, it has really come to a level of being aware or not aware. The only one conscious, conscious that we pay attention to and the people say, Oh, well, my subconscious told me like, no, your subconscious didn’t tell you that was the moment you was aware of something else that was going on in your mind and your brain, what it was a memory, or it was something that was happening in that moment that you wanted to react to it. So it’s the level of a legacy bring to our consciousness in which we choose to live in that moment to react to something, to voice something or to just say, okay, I get it. You know, one of those aha moments, that’s truly an essence, whether it is because, you know, throughout the years I’ve heard people say conscious, subconscious, super conscious that there’s only the one thing that we pay attention to. That’s how our mind that we’re putting the energy in which we live in.

Yeah. That’s a good point. You have a, this kind of little statement that I really liked too. And it says, find what speaks to your soul. Yes. Yeah. I like that a lot. I mean, what do you mean by that though? Like what maybe you could explain a little bit more for the audience too.

So, so that quote layers, I actually, if I’m above that, we talked about in pilot, one awaken with gratitude. Now that actually came to me when I was working in corporate America and that time in my life, most of us really doubt, you know, for a while we have the honeymoon phase and what we love this job, we love what we do. We love this. We love, they love everything about it. And I’ll say a period of time, it waned and they’re transforming to this gun tote next or whatever the cause of that may be is your, your interpretation of why you fell out of love out of joy with that creation with that moment. And so when I say find was a, what speaks to you is what if I’m finding joy, find that moment, find things that you are happy about, even though you may be in an environment where it’s emotionally fulfilling, but you find what you love about it.

And that for me is there was a job, a way back way that all I did was, you know, it was a day, you know, it wasn’t the idea of inviting job, but I got to like the whole entire day, eight hours a day, you know, and it was to help other business units to help them go out, to have them develop to market. So it was really satisfying with, I got to stretch my thought process and how to like how to create and do something different because being a creative mind, it’s like, I don’t want to do this linear, analytical, you know, whatever, but it’s like, wait, I can still do it, but let me find my way to do it. So that’s what I mean by that to find me to find whatever makes me happy and whatever physical space.

Yeah. I think if everybody did what they, you know, that they’re good at and that makes them happy, it would be a much happier world and a lot less stress in the world. So one thing that I do want to bring up to you, because this is something that I think you’ve talked about this briefly before we had our interview. But one thing that I struggle with because sometimes there’s like energy healing and different things, even though a lot of it’s based in scientific fact. And and there’s been like sages and stuff that this is like ancient stuff. This isn’t like brand new people just made it up, but because it wasn’t really studied in Western culture that much and is now more, but like now they’re doing static studies on Reiki and sound and all kinds of things, but one of the things that people think of this stuff as whew.

So so I just wanted to bring that up because I wouldn’t like, how do you feel about that? And then also, because like on your website, does anybody ever say anything to you? Because like on your website, which is very beautiful, is with like lots of really beautiful art on the website that I really, like, I noticed, like the different images that you have with your articles and things too. But like your, you studied a kind of a healing modality, which is like from and then it was like from the Syrian council and galactic Federation of light, which is very con like, I dunno, it depends. Maybe some people never heard of that, but then a lot of people have heard of it too. So whoever’s listening. If you have, or have not heard about, I’ll be asking you a hell is now doing, explain a little bit for us. So,

So we want to go back to the first term which is called woo. And honestly, I didn’t hear that terminology into earlier this year. I was at a event, it was an opening for this space in New York city. A friend of mine was hosting. She has to come on down. I think you’re really beautiful, you know, a bunch of professionals, a psychotherapist psychologist, and mixed with a group of holistic practitioners. I do Reiki and those forms of counseling. I’m like, Oh, okay, cool. Yeah, I’ll come down. And so I don’t know how the conversation started, but she’s like, yeah, we don’t do any of that wound stuff. And I’m like, well, what are you talking about? Well, what does woodwork? And so I got home immediately and posted something on Facebook saying, when did spirituality become Woolworth? When did that happen? And to my surprise, it was been going on for quite some time.

And it is really surprising. And how generational this form of holistic health, this form of holistic nourishment, this form of energy embodiment is, you know, you have people who are older than I kind of believe in it, but to a certain extent, you have people that are my age, who are all in. And we have the younger people who are like, kind of like sketchy about it. You have some people that like, something like that, I don’t know. And so this whole Lulu is generational and I am neutral about it. It’s just, you know, being a four. And to your next point, the way you talk about the CRM in galactic councils, you know, you think of the university as a governing body.

It governs itself because of the energies that we have out there. But you have to have people to oversee the energy because energy is energy. It takes on a life of itself. I mean, if you and I are sitting here and physical forms and energy body matter, that is moving so slowly that the eyes can see it, that everything has slowed down so much physical to physical form to, for us to have fun with it, with our five senses, without smell, without eyes, without hearing how it tastes in touch with a tangible, however, the nonphysical energy, you know, that we don’t see yet feel like the air, the sun does not face a water well water. We can see, but it is those energies. And sometimes even when we get chills or things that we are yet to explain and our physical space and why we have a sensation, it is that energy value that’s being uncovered by the higher energy, no, such as the galactic council and such as the little money and energy. But I work with the Syrians, the Lamar Allianz and how they hope to go for them and to facilitate the energy, to make sure that it’s being used properly.

Well, I know some people have said like, well, if there are some kinds of other like, you know, councils or beings or something that are helping us, or, you know, like through people and people being able to harness the energy or something like that then there are other people who say, well well, how come they’re not helping us more? [inaudible]

There has been so much help on this planet in the last seven, almost eight years. Now it has just come, come in as different ways, different thoughts, different ideas, and most people who in a liberal sense. So it’s like, well, if they were here to help, how come someone’s gonna like it? Or why did this happen? And the reason being is that this whole planet, which we live on, you know, most people may not want to hear this will be ready to hear this is that this is a school. This is a space of evolution of space.

And so everything that happens in contrast to what we think to what we feel to what we know to what we believe is in essence, our lessons, our test, everything that we simply allow to have happen to experience for us to grow and the ankles, the guides, the masters, anyone, and everything who we believe in are present yet. They don’t have the governing authority. If you will then vain, right? They can observe because we’re energy, everything is energy and physical enough physical form is all energy. And they do not intervene unless they have permission to intervene. And even if there’s permission to intervene, it is only those that are closest to you, such as your loved ones, your soul family, your soul tribe on the other side, that that can intervene. And even the ability for them to intervene is limited to what you can do or what they can do.

And if they are doing the vain, I do suggest anyone who’s asking for players into a play in the right way, what to ask for help in the right way, and to give those access and permission to help you, not just, you know, as we talked about before is hanging out in hope. Now we stay in that space of hanging out at hope, hope for better, hopefully hoping for better open for better, Oh, wait, this is better. And it simply lends itself to being okay, you going bend down on the ladder of Vietnam, angry, frustrated, because there’s no help that you’ve asked for, but yet it goes back to what we were talking about before, about our level of awareness and what we are paying attention to. If we’re paying attention to what we have asked for has a shadow. And we have, we see what we have asked for, and if we have, why didn’t I see it? So it all goes back to, it’s all, it’s all this whole giant circle of awareness and what we are paying attention to, to the level of consciousness in which may we see whether, if it’s as little as asking for help or for as big as Oh one in a whole brand new lie. So that’s what it is, is our focus without a point of potential attraction.

Yeah. And acceptance of what is, and I think sometimes we have to week four in just because we say we want something. And first of all, sometimes what does that saying? Like, don’t something about like, don’t, you might get what you asked for, and then you’re not really happy when you get it. Yeah. So but also I think like one of the things which in the kind of law of attraction ideas that to be okay where we’re at right now, while we’re waiting for the circumstances and, you know, sometimes it’s like bigger forces than us that we can we can’t just be snapping our fingers and expect things to change.

We are the force that will waiting for in essence. Sometimes it can be as easy as snapping our fingers. The hangup is how we feel, because what I teach, how to have that emotional connection to your bot, because the emotional connection to your thought is what is the driving force behind the manifestation behind the energy behind what it is that you are simply allowing in your life? And it’s that whole energetic piece that most people miss?

There was a good example of like an old belief. You know, this is kind of like a stereotypical believer, whatever that money doesn’t grow on trees. Right. Well, one day I was walking down the street and it’s so happened that there’s lots of I live in the city environment, but there’s many little small hedges along the apartment buildings. And there was a bill on laying on top of one of that money does grow on trees and I took it. So I changed that belief just by seeing that it was kind of funny. It was kind of like a joke of the universe. I feel like they were like, aha time when that happened. I was actually having a little bit of struggles.

So it was kind of a fun way that the universe provided something.

Yeah. And that’s, that’s how it was sometimes it’s for it to be random when it’s in a space of really you opening up and being ready to receive. And this is what I teach most of all my clients, those who are ready to receive this information and how to really adjust their thought, just the awareness. And that’s probably what I do in sessions. And one-on-one with my clients is to really have a certain level of awareness of what it is that has created the seed that just blew over the years of this trauma and this pain, this guilt and everything that they’ve really didn’t allow to take hold in their life and to find the root cause. And that’s what I specialize in is helping to find root causes and to eliminate those before we can progress into more of the superficial aspect. Yeah.

Well, that’s great. I’m so glad that you’re doing this work and and I’m really glad that you were taking the time today to meet with me and have this interview. I appreciate it on that note. Can you just share your website with everyone? And then of course, I will also have this out in the show notes, you know, how to get in touch with Hillis and everything, but are you on Instagram too?

I’m on all social media.


So my website is [inaudible] dot com and that’s H I L L I S P U G H dot com. You can find more information about my book. Awaken with gratitude and where to purchase that. You can also find the information about my holistic services from my psychic mediumship to the energy work that I do? Whether if it’s like a little more like energy as well and all social media platforms, so yeah, everything’s there.

Well, thank you so much for joining me today. Hillis,

Thank you, Amy, for having me on this show has been a wonderful talk and it really enlightening. And even though the field of the things myself,

No, I’m glad. I’m glad everybody is listening. I hope we’ll all learn together cause that’s like my, one of my hashtags learn with me. So I really loved this conversation with Hillis and I hope you did too. You can find all his information on his website. [inaudible] Dot com and be sure to leave a review on Apple podcasts or get in touch with us. You can leave a message on our voice messaging found on the website, the mindful soul until next time Namaste day.