Walking Along the Canal, Meeting and Meaning: Minisode #3

This minisode is about simple acts of kindness, neighbors, people, friendliness and our need for community. One person can make a significant difference in your day, even your life and often this is reciprocal. I share a story about meeting a friend along the canal path.

When strangers meet sometimes simple words and kindness can create meaning in life

Minisode 3 of Conscious LIfe Space’s Conversations mini-episodes of the Podcast – the Minisodes air in alternating weeks from the longer and regular episodes of Conversations that feature guest interviews. The minisodes differ as they are conversations with myself 🙂 LOL #podcast #meaning #kindness

Walking Along the Canal, Meeting and Meaning

Minisode Episode Three [Season One]

Minisode M3 of Conscious LIfe Space’s Conversations Podcast

Listen to Conversations Podcast Minisode 03

Watch the Minisode Walking Along the Canal, Meeting and Meaning

Here is the link to the original article on Conscious Life Space – Walking Along the Canal, Meeting and Meaning.

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Some topics discussed

You give life meaning.
Social Relationships

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The Transcript to this Podcast Episode

Speaker 1: 00:00 Welcome to conversations. My name is Amy Adams. I’m the host of this podcast. I hope you enjoy this episode where I share my story of meeting someone along the canal. Hi everyone. Welcome to conversations podcast. This is mini-sode number three. I’m going to share a story with you called walking along the canal. So before we get started, I do want to make one quick announcement and that is that we me, I wrote a book. Yay. The book is going to be available in mid September. It’s called gratitude, smatitude. Don’t just think it do it and I’m really excited about it. It is a process that you can go through and it has lots of little stories and then, um, things that you can do to practice gratitude in your life. Well, that’s it for the announcements. Now let’s get started. Walking along the canal meeting and meaning along the canal relief, a sense of relief washed over today and I was filled with a gladness as I met one of my favorite souls along the path along the canal.

Speaker 1: 01:24 He was missing for several months. No, no one reported him missing only that he was missing from my life. I don’t even know his name. Every day, he walks slowly and carefully as he steps along the path and the path along the canal is not smooth and easy. Somehow for several months he continued to move outside of my reality. He lives on my street. It’s a long street or long city block long enough that it changes its name. Both parts of the street share a commonality. They are named for songbirds and there is even a legend and a song about the song birds that climb in flight towards the center. Me and my girls [aka], the princess dogs even tracked past there several times through the winter and early spring and each time I wondered, where’s my friend whose name was unknown. A walker? He is a regular walker, but not a regular person, a daily walker who walks a good distance.

Speaker 1: 02:45 Given the circumstances. Many times as we’ve passed his apartment block by thoughts turned to worry and wonder, but not wonder in a good way, wondering if he was still alive. He’s older wondering was he now sick? He previously has had a stroke. If he was sick, wondering if someone was taking care of him. Does he have children? It would be gone now. Did someone come to visit him regularly? I thought if I knew his name, I could ring his apartment bell and that maybe he wouldn’t mind a visit or simply some homemade cookies during the cold winter.

Speaker 1: 03:28 He told me that he had a problem with his brain when we first met. It was obvious that he had some challenges. After all he was walking with a cane who told me that he had a problem with his brain. He tells me most times that he has a problem in his brain. Is it a sense of shame that he remembers who he wants was or who he doesn’t think he is anymore? What compels him to say it out loud? Does he feel that he is a shadow of his former self? I never knew that former self, that personality, that person who I learned was a well known world class athlete and greatly admired. Does he know he is still admired? Does he know that he makes a difference in people’s lives? In my life?

Speaker 1: 04:24 He doesn’t know that. I didn’t know he was a former world class athlete since I didn’t grow up here and he doesn’t know that I know either. His younger neighbor told, so it wasn’t a gossipy thing. There was pride in his voice. His neighbor loved and admired him. You could see it on his face. As he told me this story, you could hear the sense of lost that told him his voice, the deep sadness for the collective who lost a public role model. It wasn’t pretty, it was his own sadness. He doesn’t know my name and I don’t know his. My friend along the walking path doesn’t even know that when we met along the walking paths some years ago, that during that time I was suffering over my suffering and that I felt like a shadow of my former self. That time was a cluster fuck of stuff. The end of a relationship, my poison emotions became physical and my body was not well.

Speaker 1: 05:33 It was poisoning itself. His smile and warm greeting along the path reminded me during that painful period where my shoulders were slouched and I felt alone that I mattered (I get choked up here that’s how much the meeting of this stranger means to me) that I was needed on this earth at least for a little while. He made that time more bearable and he doesn’t even know that either. My face lights up when I see him along the path. It can’t be helped. He may. He may think that he is simply stopping to have a conversation, but it’s more to me that he will ever sharing a simple conversation each time we have met along the path. If only for a moment just stop and wish me a beautiful day or his encouragement to continue to walk. These small moments have such deep meaning for me, he doesn’t know my name and I don’t know his, but in the end he tells me, yes [laughter and welling of emotions]

Speaker 1: 06:57 he tells me, he tells me, yes, we must continue to move. The unspoken words was in my mind. Yes, we must continue to move even when it isn’t easy. Okay, so thank you so much for listening to my short story today. I would love to hear from you. Is there someone that you’ve met in your life that help helped you in some way? Is there someone who maybe did something unexpected, who acted kindly, who surprised you, whether it be a stranger or someone you know? Why don’t you share your story with me. Send it to me at hello@consciouslife.guru.hello@themindfulsoulcenter.com I would really love to hear from you and I would love to share different stories with people. I want to share them with the world. Thank you so much for listening to conversations. Mini-sode number 30, uh, walking along the canal. I really do appreciate it. It is so important, uh, to leave a review on that the platform that you are listening to this podcast because the more people that give a thumbs up the reviews, little hearts or whatever platform they have as an opportunity to mark it on SoundCloud, I know you can like it with a heart.

Speaker 1: 08:35 Um, when you review it and you share it with people that lets the, um, algorithms know and you know, that more people will then start to, uh, it’ll get more well known or get broadcast and out there. So if you want to help me get the word out there, please leave a review and like and share it and do all those fantastic, fabulous things. And, um, if you are watching this on YouTube, I would ask you if you could please subscribe. I think it’s on the other side of it. Subscribe to the channel please. Okay, thanks. Bye.

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