mindful soul center
Mindful Soul Center courses & Workshops
Seven Chakras 2 part workshop
Why learn about the chakras and unblocking them?
The seven primary chakras move your vital life force - your prana - through the body and, they link to various glands in your body and characteristics that correspond to states of being. We want a free flow of energy. We want to feel our feelings and move through them because when we don't and we repress or deny them we can get stuck. Stagnant and stuck energy can cause greater problems for us over time exacerbating emotional problems and can even manifest into physical problems as well. We can create more ease in our life when we are connected - body, mind, and soul and use practical tools like meditation, yoga postures and mudras that can help you balance and clear the chakras. These tools can help you reconnect with you, besides, they're interesting and fun! Learning about them might even inspire you to a daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly self-care practice where you consciously do some work on yourself. This workshop series includes a digital copy of the Seven Chakras Workbook and a 50% off coupon towards the purchase of the print edition.
Seven Chakras Workshop $47
Effortless Meditation, A21-Day Course
Scientific data shows that a meditation practice changes your brain - for the better. In this course you'll learn 3 different meditations to help you create a lasting daily meditation practice; Meditation for Peace & Illumination, Mantra and Loving Kindness Meditation (Metta). Download the meditations to any device. 21-Day Course with support.
Meditation $97
7-Days to Develop a Gratitude Practice
If you're struggling, the simple practice of gratitude can raise your spirits, raise your vibration and bring you back into alignment. This self-paced course will help you to easily create a daily gratitude practice. Each day we examine various aspects of our lives and remember who we really are right here, right now. You can read the material or listen to the mp3s, includes a PDF workbook with daily exercises and a guided meditation.
Gratitude $47
10-Week Guided Course
A ten-week GUIDED program to build strength and increase flexibility. We'll lay the foundation so you can learn and practice yoga and become stronger and leaner. Yoga changes your body and your mind reducing stress. Includes: a one on one 30 minute consultation, high quality yoga classes, PDFs to accompany the classses and includes 7 core strength workouts. Download the practices and keep them forever.
Yoga $197
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